Chorizo refers to the type of sausage, mainly consisting of meat taken from the back fat and shoulder of pork. Traditionally it is pork-based meat, but the conventional use of beef, turkey and tofu Chorizos is widespread. The savoury and mouth watering receta de chorizo comes from its unique combination of paprika spices and chile powder.

It provides the red brick pigment of the sausages. The culture of Spain and Mexico pairs the chorizo ingredient with their customary traditional recipes like arepas. It is a conventional pan cake-like dough commonly famous at the breakfast table with potatoes or eggs. The two types of traditional chorizo recipes are Mexican and Spanish.

Check out La Receta Facil to taste delicious chorizo for easy and guided recipes.

Mexican Vs Spanish Chorizo

If you know chorizo mexicano recetas, then you should know that Spanish chorizo differs in preparation. These are two different sausages based on pork. You can buy raw Mexican chorizo from the market and keep it in the refrigerator. This chorizo lasts for two weeks in the freezer after opening it.

Fresh Mexican chorizo has a wet and grounded appearance when new, and some people confuse it with Spanish chorizo. The preparation process of Spanish chorizo, in comparison, differs as it involves the method of curing and fermentation. This procedure of Como Hacer Chorizo Mexicano, is safe to eat directly without conventional cooking.

Essential instructions To Handle Raw Meat

Proper Hand Washing is the first step in handling the process of como preparar chorizo. You must use soap and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. And before touching food, rinse your hands under warm water. Clean your kitchen cooking area with anti-bacterial cleaners. Prepare other dishes separately from raw meat to avoid the fear of cross-contamination.

It is advisable to use a clean, separate cutting board always for meat preparation.  Preparing raw meat requires washing and cleaning all the dishware used.  Cook your meat, checking the recommended level of internal meat temperature using a thermometer for meat. For cooking Mexican chorizo, 160°F is the ideal temperature.

La Receta Facil is a popular Food recipe website. You can get many traditional world recipes including como preparar chorizo at a glance.