Fast food is a fairly diversified industry. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that how you present what you serve daily has an enormous impact on what people eat.

Quick service restaurants (QSRs) have set their sights on using technology to help them meet their sustainability goals while remaining competitive and profitable. With many complications brought on by some unfavourable situations, including the requirement to close QSRs, technology usage in the industry has become the beacon of hope to help businesses survive.

You must understand the competitive, growing industry to make the most of your fast food business. Especially trends, What’s new? What’s hot? What’s coming up? And so on.

Here are the top fast food trends expected to dominate consumer interest in 2022 by which any eatery service can capture the industry:

Plant-based food:

Fast-food chains have already started serving Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat products, and maybe even at your favourite burger joint. Several brands have begun producing seafood derived from plants in the recent past. Have you heard about some of these recent developments? The Milky Lane came up with an uncanny “The Drake(VEGO)” burger with a plant-based grilled patty that looks too real. Likewise, 2022 should bring more plant-based meat and seafood products to market, making a more exciting and attainable vegan diet.

Rise of the cooking robots:

For those wondering about the top trend of 2022, it’s the rise of robots and automation in the fast-food industry. This concept isn’t new, but it has accelerated due to labour shortages caused by workers fed up with working conditions, low wages, and social distancing techniques such as contactless dining.

Remote working/ Ghost Kitchen:

Remote working isn’t just for offices. Many Quick service restaurants wonder why they need to pay the high overheads, rents, and fees associated with fixed premises when they can just as easily rent themselves a kitchen to reach their customers. It’s okay to set up a fully ghost-like business or a hybrid model. Is a fixed restaurant location really necessary, or could you just as easily deliver everything?

Expanded Delivery:

Fast food restaurants are increasingly offering delivery options, and the trend is expected to continue through 2022. Several restaurants are focused on providing an in-house delivery service, while others are taking advantage of services like Uber Eats in order to meet customer needs. Third-party delivery companies are now used by casual restaurants that have existed for decades without offering delivery services.

Butter Alternatives:

As part of the trend toward healthy eating, fast-food restaurants offer a variety of healthy alternatives to butter. Restaurants have even switched to macadamia and chickpea butter in place of controversial oils. Additionally, palm oil is also being eliminated to accommodate customers who prefer not to consume saturated fats. Moreover, some environmentalists believe that palm oil harvesting contributes to deforestation and threatens wildlife.

With all of these trends expected in 2022, there is no doubt that the fast-food industry will remain integral to the cultural landscape. As a result of incorporating these trends, restaurateurs meet consumer needs, especially regarding efficiency and eating healthfully.